Our Purpose

At Alchemist Travel, a profound respect and love for the planet is the driving force behind everything we do. As we explore destinations and cultures, we have an utmost commitment to nurture, support and give back wherever possible.

At Alchemist Travel, we firmly believe in the transformative potential of tourism as a force for good. By raising awareness and guiding our clients on how they can actively contribute to this cause, we aim to make a meaningful difference in channeling the positive impact of tourism towards the betterment of communities and preservation of diverse cultures.

Through The Alchemist Travel Fund we pledge to donate 2% of every trip we plan to education initiatives to equip communities with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the positive effects of tourism responsibly and sustainably.

Alchemist Travel has established a collaborative partnership with the esteemed rewilding organisation, GreenSteps Group. Together, we undertake the planting of indigenous trees for every client embarking on a journey with us. This initiative allows our clients to witness the growth of their own forests as they explore the world, observing the tangible and positive impacts they have on local biodiversity and communities.

We are proud members of The Long Run, an organisation dedicated to safeguarding wilderness for eternity through their comprehensive 4C's framework. This framework embraces a harmonious balance of Conservation, Community, Culture, and Commerce. As of 2023, The Long Run's impactful efforts have resulted in the conservation of more than 23 million acres of biodiversity and have positively impacted the lives of 750,000 people, making them a growing force in the realm of sustainability and responsible travel.

Our Impact

Planning with a difference

We consistently strive to break away from the conventional approach in our destination planning. Our mission is to provide respite to areas suffering from over-tourism, allowing these precious environmental and cultural treasures the time and space needed to recover from years of tourist-related stress. Our aspiration is to guide our clients towards destinations that are unique and authentic, places where they can leave a positive imprint on both the people and the environments they engage with, and work with suppliers and properties that have a strong sustainability ethos. We believe curating our tailor-made trips with this in mind will in turn make a difference to how people choose to travel.

Supporting communities & charities

We dedicate a portion of the profits generated from each trip we curate to The Alchemist Travel Fund. This fund actively supports communities and charitable initiatives worldwide in the very areas visited by us and our clients. Each project we endorse directly benefits from the principles of the 4 Cs and increasing awareness and understanding of responsible tourism. Furthermore, we actively encourage our clients to include visits to these projects as integral components of their journeys, allowing them to witness firsthand the profoundly positive impact we have made - offering them the chance to make personal contributions to grassroots projects they are passionate about.

Repopulating rainforests & mangroves

In addition to our commitment to responsible tourism, we proudly collaborate with GreenSteps — an eco-tech platform and rewilding organisation on a mission to restore rainforests and mangroves across areas have endured severe deforestation. For every individual client embarking on a journey with us, we plant one indigenous tree to improve the biodiversity in each area. Each tree is uniquely geo-tagged, enabling clients to trace their tree's location, discover the hands that planted it, and even christen it with a name. This initiative not only contributes to the vital task of reforestation but also forges a deeper connection between our clients and the natural world.